Super Science Trip- written by 2 Year 5s — PLAISTOW AND KIRDFORD PRIMARY SCHOOL

Super Science Trip- written by 2 Year 5s

First we got on to our school trip bus to Winchester Science Centre. It took one hour to get there! When we finally got there, we put our bags and coats into a trolley. After that, we did a rocket science workshop. Someone called Sunny took the workshop- she showed us this purple liquid that if you shook it and lit the vapour you got to see FIRE! Then we got to make our own rockets. When it was my groups turn, our rocket went the furthest and our astronaut (a lego brick) stayed in it (it was the only one!).

Then we went for lunch (not very exciting). After lunch, we went to the planetarium. We had seats that leaned back and as you looked at the dome it was like we were travelling in space. Then we went downstairs to look at the space things. There were games, interactive activities and lots to explore. Then we went upstairs where there were lots more things like sound proof walls, instruments and liquids. I really enjoyed it but then sadly it was time to go so we got back on the coach.