Special Educational Needs (SEN) and Disability

Our school is committed to meeting the needs of individual children.  The progress of all children is monitored carefully and if a child is experiencing difficulties, learning or behavioural, we have in place a structured support system. Any special educational needs will be identified and provision will be made to address the areas of need. If appropriate, this will be recorded on an Individual Education Plan. Details of how we meet the needs of all our children can be found in our SEN Information Report (Local Offer) which can be accessed by clicking the link below.

SEND Information Report 2023 -2024


Individual or group help is deployed by the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator who also ensures that class teachers and other support staff are able to meet individual children’s needs. Support is geared to identify needs and is reviewed regularly through close liaison between the class teachers and the Special Needs Co-ordinator.

Parents are involved in this process at all levels and are updated at parents’ evenings or at other times in the year, depending on need. The Special Needs Co-ordinator oversees this process and will discuss any issues relating to a child’s individual education plan. Parents with children on the Special Needs register are also invited to an annual consultation with the Special Needs co-ordinator and the Headteacher.

Children may receive support in class or they may be withdrawn to work individually or in a small group with an adult. Our Group Room provides a comfortable and convenient working space. Resources for Special Needs are also located in this room.

Where necessary the school works closely with outside agencies including an Educational Psychologist, a Learning Support Teacher, a Speech and Language Therapist and the Behaviour Support Team.

Wheelchair access and disabled toilet facilities are available in the school building.

Those children who demonstrate high potential in both academic and creative areas are considered for enrichment activities. A range of extension courses and activities are offered throughout the year. We keep a register of children capable of higher attainment and ensure, through our teachers’ planning, that these children are suitably challenged.

Additional information

Visit the West Sussex County Council local offer by clicking this link

Over the last decade the Government has highlighted the importance of safeguarding children and how developing early intervention services and support is key to achieving this. In West Sussex one of our top priorities is to give every child the best start in life. Providing early help means providing family support as soon as a problem emerges. Think Family and Early Help provide support for practitioners. Click here for more information.

West Sussex has teamed up with local charity Amaze to deliver the 'Compass Card West Sussex'; this card gives young people (aged 0-25) with special educational needs and disabilities unique offers at dozens of venues in the local area. Click here for more information. 

The school's Special Educational Needs (SEN) Coordinator (SENCo) is Mrs Tappenden, who can be contacted through the school office.

Please refer to our policies page to see our Accessibility Plan