Terrific Times Tables!

This week, Hedgehogs’ have been exploring the two, five and ten times tables. We have chanted them forwards and backwards, watched songs on them and even explored them on a hundred square. Their favourite activity was using the numicon. Year Two number lines with the numicon and then wrote the times tables underneath on the actual tables. Yes you read that right… on the tables (sorry Mr King). It was brilliant and the children really enjoyed it. Have a sneak peak below…

Mix it madness!

This week, as part of our ‘Mix it up’ topic in art, we have been exploring different colours. WOW… did it get messy in the Hedgehog classroom. Year Two explored the primary colours and then mixed them together to make secondary colours. They then added these to a colour wheel where they made their own unique colours of green, purple and orange. Hedgehogs’ were excellent at carefully adding this onto their colour wheels. Some Year Twos even got to mix the colour with their hands eeek! Have a look below…

Hello Happy Hedgehogs!

WOW, What a lovely couple of week!s It has been lovely watching the Year Twos’ settling into our pile of cosy leaves this week. They all have been very grown up and smart looking. I think it is going to be a super (sparkly) year. It has been so great to be back in the classroom with happy, hard working Hedgehogs.

They’ve had their spikes at the ready and noses down working super hard on their English, Maths and adjusting to new routines. We’ve had so much fun learning, exploring, and making all things hedgehogs. We have also started our new topic 'Movers and Shakers’ and already Year Two are keen to learn new facts and get stuck into different activities. Have a sneak peak below…

What's your favourite...

This week, in maths, Hedgehogs having been exploring data and how to use a block chart. They had to collect different information using a tall chart and then transfer this onto a block chart. Year Two had the choice to choose the thing they wanted to find out. We had…

  • Favourite bug

  • Favourite sport (of course)

  • Transport to school

  • Favourite sweet

They were brilliant at asking one another and so sensible. Of course, football had a lot of votes for the favourite sport. Hedgehogs’ then had to put this information into a block chart and they had to make sure they added all the key features on the axes. After, they coloured in the blocks to represent the amount of children that liked a certain category. The results were brilliant.

Minibeast Maddness!

Hedgehogs have loved our new topic ‘Wriggle and Crawl’ and have been great at getting stuck into all the different activities. This week, we went on a bug hunt and explored micro habitats. We found butterflies, spiders and bumble bees in all different places. They were under logs, in long grass and some in our wellies! It was super exciting. Year Two explored a life cycle of a butterfly and were amazed how caterpillars turn into cocoons. They then made their own representations of the cycle by drawing pictures and labelling the different stages.


In art, Hedgehogs have studied an artist called Carl Warner. We found out that he creates lots of different 'landscapes made from healthy foods. He prompts healthy eating through his art work. Year 2 were amazed by his creations. When we looked at his artwork, we found that he used broccoli for trees, different fruit as hot air balloons and even bread for mountains. Hedgehogs were so impressed and also very inspired.

So, we decided to have a got at recreating these foodscapes by either using pasta or oil pastels to draw the foods we would use. Hedgehogs were excellent at this and had some brilliant ideas when creating their own versions. They thought of blueberries for the river, candy floss for clouds and runner beans for grass. Miss Hall was very impressed. Some of the class decided to just make pictures from pasta and they were great too! Have a sneak peak below…

Dazzling Dissolving!

In science this week, Hedgehogs’ implemented their very own experiment. We were exploring dissolving as part of our ‘Muck, Mess and Mixtures’ topic. We started by using bath bombs to see which temperature of water makes it dissolve the quickest. Year Two found out that it was hot water because the molecules move faster breaking down the bath bomb quicker. They were really amazed and learnt some interesting facts.

Then, Hegehogs’ got to implement their own investigations. They investigated which materials dissolved and which didn’t. They tested salt, sugar, coffee, oats and even jam! Year Two were excellent at adding the substances and then stirring them in warm water to see if they dissappered. We found out that salf, sugar and coffe dissovles and jam and oats don’t! It was such a fun afternoon and Hedgehogs were such brilliant, sensible scientists.

Short But Sweet Week!

A very short week this week for Hedgehog class but this hasn’t stopped them from working hard. In English, we have wrote stories linked to the ‘Magic Porridge Pot’. In maths, we explored time and looked at telling the time to five minutes. Lastly, we have continued with our topic and created detailed sketches of different fruits. Look below for a few snap shots of our week…

Fascinating Food Groups!

This week, Hedgehogs’ have been exploring the food groups as part of their topic. We have looked at looked at the different groups of food including carbohydrates, minerals, protein, fats, dairy and fruit & vegetables. Year Two have been experts at knowing what a balanced diet includes. Hedgehogs definitely knew fruit and vegetables are good for us and sweets/chocolate are not so good for us! They have also explored different activities such as sorting the foods in science, making healthy adverts and even created their own healthy plate. These lessons sure did make us peckish…

Muck, Mess and Mixture Madness!

Welcome back Hedgehogs! Year Two have had a brilliant start to the new term. Everyone is rested and ready for learning. This week, we have focused on SPAG elements in English, measuring in maths and multi-skills in PE and all the Hedgehogs have worked so hard!

In addition to all the hard work, we have also started our new topic ‘muck,mess and madness’. So, on Tuesday afternoon, we kicked started the topic by having a very messy and creative session. Hedgehogs used paint, washing up liquid, straws, junk modelling and even mud to create mixtures to make a mess. They had such a fun afternoon and were super sensible too. Have a sneak peak at some of the muck going on below…

The Storm Whale!

This week, in English, Hedgehogs’ have been exploring a new fiction text - The storm whale. It is all about a little boy who saves a whale from the sea and end up bringing it home without him dad knowing…. imagine! So, Year Two have been working hard on planning their own version of the story. We used story mountains to plan our own characters and own sea creature to save as well as including a nice happy ending to the book. They are now ready to write their own versions next week. Have a sneak peak at some of the plans below and you could even have a look at the story over the weekend.

Junk Modelling Explosion!

Wow… well, on Tuesday, our classroom looked like it had an explosion of recycled goods happened. There were boxes, yogurt cups, kitchen rolls and even straws being used for every part of our DT lesson. Basically, there was recycled junk everywhere. This was because Hedgehogs have started creating their PIRATE SHIPS. The buzz in the classroom was lovely. Year Two didn’t make a sound as they knuckled down and started constructing their boats together. They worked brilliantly and were really motivated to use their plans to create their vision of a pirate ship.

As Miss Hall keeps saying ‘its not mess, its working progress’. So keep an eye for more updates on our creations. Thank you so much for all the recycled materials donated this week for our pirate ships.

Shell Artists!

Hedgehogs had a lovely art lesson on Wednesday. In the lesson, Year Two had been studying shells and using their observation skills to see what colours the shells were, what shapes they could see and explore the different textures. There were lots of shells with lovely spirals and swirly lines. Hedgehogs then had to use their observational skills to draw the shells using sketching and different tones. They learnt how to press lighter on the sketch pencil for lighter tones and push hard for darker tones. They really took their time and the creations were almost looked real.

We also incorprated some printing using polostyrene tiles and ink. Year Two loved this and had lots of fun! They made simple patterns in the polostyrene, using a blunt pencil, to then print and make a background for their sketched shell. It was really creative and everyone was so engaged with their pieces of artwork. Have a sneak peak below but also make sure you look at our classroom window too!

3D Shape Madness!

This week Hedgehogs’ have been learning all about 3D shapes. We have explored the very complicated, names of 3D shapes and spooted htme in the environment. Then Year Two spent some of the week counting faces, edges and vertices. This has been a challenge in itself (even Miss Hall got confused with edges) but Hedeghogs perserved and were brilliant at doing this. as well as teaching Miss Hall. We drew faces on the shapes to count the faces, used blue tack on the edges to count those and whiteboard pen on the vertices to count them too.

One of the challenges this week was to make 3D shapes using blue tack and pasta. This was a task to help us count edges. Year Two were great at following the instructions and building their very own 3D shapes. It has been a very hands on week with 3D shape with lots of fun resources and building. Take a sneak peak below…

Welcome Back!

Hedgehogs’ have had an excellent start to this half term. They have come back refuelled, enthusiastic and ready for another few weeks of learning. This week, we have been exploring 2D shapes in maths, editing our stories in English and learning sea shanties as part of our topic. Year Two have been super busy and have impressed Miss Hall with all the work that has been going on. Below are a few snippets of our week. Have a look for yourself at how hard working Hedgehogs have been …

Pirate Themed Gymnastics!

Over the half term,Hedgehogs’ have been focusing on gymnastic routines with strong poses, movement and beginning/endings linked to their pirate topic. They have been excellent at putting these skills to pirate themed music and then performing to our friends.

They were super excited because, on Monday, we got the walls bars out and they preformed their routines on them. Year Two were super sensible and flexible when climbing up high and slithering through the bars. The buzz in the hall was so exciting. It was a real treat to end the half term!

We had a visitor!

On Tuesday, Hedgehogs’ had a very special visitor come to our classroom. It was a fire fighter! They came in to speak about the importance of keeping safe around dangerous fire lighting things such as lighters and matches. Year Two also learnt what to do if there was an emergency. They were excellent at listening, asking questions and really understood the importance of fire alarms at home. Hopefully Hedgehogs’ went home and checked theirs. If you haven’t then do…

We were also very lucky as the fire fighter put his special fire uniform on to show Hedgehogs. They were fascinated by the helmet and how thick the jacket was. Year Two also learnt a poem too - Matches, lighters, never touch. They can hurt you very much! Ask your child to show you the actions with the rhyme.

If you wanted to explore this more then you can access resources through - https://www.westsussex.gov.uk/fire-emergencies-and-crime/west-sussex-fire-and-rescue-service/safety-advice-for-young-people/learning-zone/#early-years-and-key-stage-1

Drawing on the tables!

This week, in maths, Hedgehogs’ have been focusing on division. Miss Hall has been so impressed with how quickly Year Two have understood this. She has been blown away with some of the division number sentences Year Two have been exploring.

All week we have been exploring strategies to workout division number sentences. One of the ways we did this was to draw on the tables. You read that right… DRAW on the tables (don’t tell Mr King).

Hedgehogs had to write the division number sentence on the table and then draw the correct amount of circles it was being divided by. They then split the number into the circles using dots. Even reading that sounds like a brain ache. BUT Hedgehogs were super at this! Have a sneak peak below. The pictures will explain themselves…

WANTED... Captain Blue Beard!

Over the past couple of weeks Hedgehogs have been exploring the book ‘Never mess with a pirate princess’. They have been so enthusiastic and gripped by the book. So much so that we are planning to write our own versions next week. However…whilst reading the book, we had some terrible news. The horrible and mean Captain Blue Beard (who steals children’s teddy bears) had gone missing!

So, in English, Year Two created their own wanted posters to try and capture him. They had to include a detailed description of him using adjectives as well as adding other features of a wanted poster such as a reward for whoever finds him. The posters were brilliant and Hedgehogs really understood the task and mission. Have a look at some of the work they created…

A Chinese New Year Inspired Art Week!

WOW… what a very exciting week Hedgehogs have had. This years art week theme is ‘80 days around the world’ as we are celebrating the 100th anniversary of the book. So Year Two were given the country Hong Kong and we explored the art created there. Hedgehogs’ decided to research further into Chinese New Year and looked at the different colours, traditions and decided to create art around this theme.

Year Two have been so creative, expressive and really enthusiastic about the artwork they have created. We have made 3D lanterns, stencils to make a collaborative piece and even attempted Chinese writing inspired by an artist from Hong Kong called Kwok Mang Ho. They have really show great perseverance with some of the work as well as have the freedom to recreate their own pieces. Miss Hall has been really proud! Below are some snap shots of our organised chaos…

Make sure you come along to Hedgehogs gallery, next Tuesday, to see the inspiring artwork they have created!