Welcome back meee heartiesss!

First week back at school and Hedgehogs’ have certainly rested and are ready to go with their learning. We have started our new topic this week. It is called ‘Land Ahoy!’ and as you’ve probably guessed is all about pirates. Check out google classroom for more information. Year Two have been super enthusiastic and already know so much about this topic.

One of their favourite lessons this week was creating their very own treasure map. Hedgehogs’ tea stained some paper, added land marks and then plotted where the treasure would go. The end results were excellent and even Miss Hall thought some of them were real! That’s how good and realistic they were. Take a look through your telescopes below…

Happy Christmas Hedgehogs!

WOW… what a sparkly and fabulous week Hedgehogs have had. Miss Hall has been so impressed with how hard working, sensible and super Year Two have been. They did absolutely brilliantly in the nativity, written some very informative booklets and boogied away at the Christmas party. It has been a wonderful week to end the term.

Now it’s time for a well deserved two weeks off. Enjoy a fun filled, restful and magical Christmas and we will see you in the new year!

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

Wow, what a hard working week Hedgehogs’ have had. It has been non stop and slgihtly topsy turvey. They have been knuckling down on their ‘Queens Quizzes’, continued to WOW us in nativity practises (eeeek 4 sleeps to go) and had the excitement of a Christmas dinner and jumper day. Hedgehogs’ have continued to be hard working throughout the madness and really shown they are sensible Year Twos. They have made us all very proud.

You many have heard that Year Two have also had a very naughty elf visit our classroom who has been up to all sorts of mischief. There are a few snaps below of what he has done to our learning space. Miss Hall can’t keep up with the chaos!

We’ve gone back in time!

Hedgehogs’ have been working super hard on their history this week. They have stepped into a Time Machine and gone back in time. We been exploring the past and the present. This involved looking at vehicles, toys and even schools. Some of the Year Twos faces were in shock with what their teach would’ve been like back in the day and the punishments they would get for even being a minute late.

One of the things we explored was the equipment the children used in the past and Hedgehogs’ were fascinated by the chalk and chalk boards as well as the ink and ink pens. So we tried them out! They discovered that it was pretty hard to write and draw with ink as they constantly had to dip their pen in the ink and also try not to splodge ink on the page. It was such a challenge but we had such fun doing this. Take a look at some of the creations…

If I Built A House…

As part of our topic, Hedgehogs have been exploring a book called ‘If I Built A House’ and it sure has captured their imagination. It’s all about how one boy redesigns a house with the most coolest rooms (Year 2s words not Miss Halls).

So, Hedgehods have turned into architects and designed their own dream house. They were so imaginative! We had skate board rooms, a cinema and even a room filled with dogs. Miss Hall liked the idea of a penguin room! Take a look at some of the sketches below…

Hedgehogs have come back with a BANG!

Welcome back happy Hedgehogs! After a lovely week off, Year Two have come back refreshed, eager and ready to learn. We have started our new topic ‘Street Detectives’ which Hedgehogs have loved. Although we have only dipped our toes in so more blogs will come linked to these as we dive deep into the topic.

BUT…One thing that shone this week was the Hedgehogs’ firework pictures. We learnt about the history of bonfire night and the gunpowder plot story. They were then given the opportunity to explore different media’s and create their very own fireworks. We used paint, oil pastels, chalk and even glitter (Miss Hall couldn’t resist). The outcomes were so individual and very expressive. Take a look and remember to ooooo and ahhhh…

Spaghetti Madness!

It wasn’t paper towers this week… it was SPAGHETTI! To finish our tunnels, towers and turrets topic, Hedgehogs got to make their very own towers using spaghetti and blu tack and what a mess they made. There was so much concentration, team work and most importantly joy in the room when building these. Through all the investigations and studying of towers, Year Two really understood what they need to do to create a sturdy and well built tower to make sure it was stable. Miss Hall was so impressed with their perseverance, group work and positive attitude towards this delicate and tricky task. Hedgehogs absolutely aced it! Have a look at them working hard below…

We Became Authors!

This week, Hedgehogs have become real authors. Yes they have written their own stories! We think some could even be published in a book shop.

Year Two have worked hard to understand why stories are so important and the planning behind them. They have all recreated their own versions of the ‘The Very Last Castle’ and Miss Hall has been so proud of every single one of them. Hedgehogs made sure they included a beginning, middle and end as well as adding adjectives and bold writing to make them exciting.

All they need to do is become illustrators and add pictures to their books. They are so excited to share these stories next week during the book look session with parents. For now here is a sneak peek…

I Have Cities, But no Houses. I Have Mountains, But no Trees. I Have Water, But no Fish. What Am I?

MAPS! In geography this week, we got the maps out and used our skills to read the key to spot bridges, castles, towers and tunnels on them. Some of the maps were bigger than the Hedgehogs!

Our focus this week was bridges and we explored all sorts of bridges all over the world. Hedgehogs were fascinated at how long and big they were. We even ended up watching how bridges are made. They loved the water boat cranes and found them amazing. When using the maps, Year Two were brilliant at pointing out different landmarks (some children even got side tracked and found Fishers Farm!) and were able to highlight where a bridge was in our local area. They then added their own bridges to maps, sorted bridges in science and even designed their own.

Miss Hall has set Hedgehogs a mission to find a bridge on the weekend… Will they succeed?

Tower Off!

This week, with bake off on our TVs, Hedgehogs’ thought they’d get involved… It wasn’t a bake off though, it was a tower off!

During the week we have been exploring lots of different famous towers from around the world and how they are built. Hedgehogs’ were very good at spotting famous towers in England. Whilst exploring these, we found out that most of the building had a wide structure at the bottom working up to a thinner top which was the top tip of the day.

So the challenge was to build the tallest, most stable tower with paper and tape BUT Hedgehogs’ only had 20 minutes to create this. There was stuff everywhere but Year Two loved the challenge. They worked brilliantly in teams and the results well… look for yourself.

Castle Attack!

This week, Hedgehogs have continued to work hard on their new topic ‘Tunnels, Turrets and Towers’. The stand out moment was on Thursday when they turned into scientist and completed their first ever science experiment in Year Two. It was called Castle Attack!

Hedgehogs had to work in groups to build a castles out of wooden bricks and then find the best material to knock it down with. They used a range of resources such as paper, play dough and cotton wool to attack their creations. Year Two had so much fun completing this and found that the tennis ball was the best at knocking down the bricks as it was the hardest material. Have a look through the arrow loop shots below…

Castle Craziness!

Hedgehogs started their new topic ‘Towers, Turrets and Tunnels’ and they have made an excellent start! We focused on castles this week where we researched lots of facts, learnt lots of new vocabulary and even went on the chrome books to design our very own castles. Year Two made sure they include key features of a castle such as arrow loops, battlements and even a draw bridge. Miss Hall has been very impressed and I think you will be too. Have a look at Hedgehogs hard working below and see what you think!

Hello Happy Hedgehogs!

WOW, What a week! It has been lovely settling into our pile of cosy leaves this week, with our very grown up and smart looking Hedgehogs. It is so lovely to be back with all the children for another year.

They’ve had their spikes at the ready and noses down working super hard on their English, Maths and adjusting to new routines. We’ve had so much fun learning, exploring, and making all things hedgehogs. Did you know hedgehogs can’t drink milk (Miss Hall didn’t)! Have a look below at some of our hedgehogs in action…

Year Twos first EVER trip!

WOW… what a day! On Tuesday, Hedgehogs’ ventured out and headed down to Arundel Wetlands as part of their ‘wriggle and crawl’ topic. We had such a splendid day full of pond dipping, bug hunting and very sunny picnic. Year Two were excellent and really followed the golden rules. Miss Hall was very proud to call them her class.

Year two started the day by going on a huge coach, which they were very excited about. We then arrived at our destination and the morning was full of activities led by special bug instructor at Wetlands. Firstly, Hedgehogs’ went pond dipping where they used nets and pots to catch a variety of minibeasts from a wetlands habitat. After that, we ventured into the sensory garden where Year Two went on a bug safari and explored a range of insect hotels, minibeast baskets and bug boxes. Then, Hedgehogs’ then had their picnic style lunch which was rather yummy! Finally, we finished the day with a walk around the habitat to see lots of plants, creatures and ducks too.

It was such a wonderful day full of fun, smiles and interesting facts. Have a look at some snaps below…

I Spy... 10 Butterflies!

This week, the butterflies have finally emerged from their cocoons and we had ten beautiful butterflies. Hedgehogs were super excited when they came in Monday morning as the life cycle of a butterfly had happened in front of their eyes. We seen tiny caterpillars change into bug hairy caterpillars and then into brown, golden chrysalis’ and then turn into beautiful butterflies.

The last job Year Two had to do was release them into the wild so that they could start the life cycle again in nature. The Hedgehogs’ were very enthusiastic to do this. We released them down in the environmental area and one by one they flew out. Some of the Year Twos’ were lucky enough to have them crawl onto their hands to help them fly away. It was such a magical moment!

Grams and Kilograms!

In maths, Hedgehogs’ have been exploring everything to do with weight. In particular, we have explored grams and kilograms which Year Two grasped very quickly. They have measured different objects using cubes and even used scales to measure flour which they had to make sure they got the grams or kilograms spot on as no one wants to much flour. So their mission this week is to help with some baking at home and use scales to measure the ingredients. They need to show off their skills! I think there might be some serious bakers in our class. Have a look below at a few snaps from the week.

I spy a… COCOON!

Hedgehogs have been super excited about their learning this week. Firstly, our caterpillars have transformed into amazing, shiny cocoons which we have loved checking on everyday. The excitement every morning has been very enthusiastic. They are now going to be transferred into the net to hatch. So keep an eye out for some beautiful butterflies.

We have also continued to have an insect filled week by extending our knowledge further on bugs. During science, we learnt how different bugs have a variety of parts to survive. Year Two also explored the life cycle of a butterfly which was very appropriate. Not only did we create our own life cycles, we got to experience it in real life. Finally, in English, have written our very entertaining ‘ugly bug’ stories which were a pleasure to read. Take a look at some snaps below and the very exciting chrysalis’ too!

We have new arrivals!

This week Hegdehogs’ have started their new topic called ‘wriggle and crawl’ and it’s all about minibeasts. They have really enjoyed it so far and have been keen explorers during the week. This week we explored a book about an ugly bug, been on a insect hunt and even drawn a variety of 6 legged creatures. Hedgehogs’ already have so much knowledge on bugs but are excited to learn even more.

We also had a very kind delivery of… CATERPILLARS! Year Two have been super excited about them and have been keen to check them everyday to see if they have grown. Each day the caterpillars get harrier and fluffier. So keep an eye out for updates on how they are developing!

Sports Week!

Wow, what a fantastic first week back and a very energetic first week back at school. Hedgehogs’ have been getting their hearts pumping this week and have been staying very active during our annual sports week. Everyone has been so enthusiastic, excited and keen to join in with all our sports week activities.

Year Two started the week with cricket where they played two different style of cricket. We defiantly had some brilliant batters and runners. One team scored over 30 points! Then our second activity was quidditch which was amazing. The children experienced what it would really be like to play the real game as they ran around with broomsticks and had to through the snitch through the hoops. It was great fun. Lastly, Hedgehogs’ worked with Mr Butler and learnt how to play spike ball which again they were brilliant at working as a team and catching the ball.

Have a look at the snap shots below and some of the Hedgehogs’ in action…

Yay Half Term!

Hedgehogs’ have worked super hard this half term, especially the last two weeks! Everyone should be super proud of their achievements and learning. This week, in particular, has been busy… we finished our biodegradable Science experiments, made shell ‘mood boards’ and simply just had fun. Below are some snap shots from the week. Now time for a well earned rest Year Two. Enjoy the sunshine and rest up ready for the last half term of Key Stage One!