Morning Squirrels.
Today we are going to be looking at plural and singular. Singular means one and plural means more than one.
To change a word from singular to plural we add ‘s’ or ‘es’.
For most words we add ‘s’ at the end of the word.
However, this doesn’t work for all words.
If a word ends in these sounds then we have to add ‘es’ to make the word plural.
Can you correct these sentences? Look at each of the bold words. You need to make them plural so that they make sense.
There were ten chicken and two duck in the farmyard.
Five cow were standing in a grassy field.
There were three bird on the bird feeder this morning.
The two dog raced to get the ball.
The four cat were asleep on the sofa.
The seven rabbit were enjoying the sunshine in the garden.
How did you find yesterday’s questions? The answers are below, you could mark your own work.
Today I would like you to have a look at taking away 10. You can use a number line/ objects or do them in your head.
15 - 10 = 11 - 10 =
18 - 10 = 16 - 10 =
13 - 10 = 21 - 10 =
24 - 10 = 29 - 20 =
27 - 10 = 30 - 20 =
32 - 20 = 36 - 30 =
What do you notice when you take away tens? Which digit changes and which digit stays the same?
Forest School
This is Big Ben.
Big Ben stands at the north end of the Houses of Parliament. Can you build a Big Ben using materials that you find in your garden?
Sound Of The Week
Can you work out the word that I’m thinking of?
Fact Of The Day.
The Romans built a town where the City of London is today. They called it Londinium.