This week we received a letter from the chief alchemist of Alchemy Island. He sent us a riddle and a map to find where a portal might appear. We solved the riddle and created some brilliant portal pictures that look through to different areas of the island. A member of our class has written a report on what we have seen so far for you to read!
Egyptian tomb
This week Year 5 were set a challenge to create a tomb for a pharaoh. We split into groups and started planning and creating objects for the tomb. We had decorations, a sarcophagus, a death mask and canopic jars. We all worked really well as a team and enjoyed going out in to the tomb (gazebo!) this morning to show all our creations ( even if we did get a bit wet!)
Animal poetry
Over the last two weeks, Fox Class have worked hard to write their own poems based on ‘Red Fox’ by Robert Macfarlane. We looked at the style the poem was written in, lots of rhyming words and identified the metaphors that he had used in his poem. We hope you enjoy reading some of our poems!
Egyptian Pottery
Over the last three weeks, we have created some Egyptian pottery and canopic jars. We learnt what they were used for and looked at lots of different designs. Then we made them out of clay and painted them.
Grounds Day!
We had a great time on grounds day: tidying up outside our classroom, planting flowers, painting fox leaves and picking apples. Here are some photos of our day!
The Many Faces of Fox Class
We have had a great week in Fox Class getting to know each other and starting our topic of Egyptians. Earlier in the week I set the children the challenge of creating a self portrait showing their outer and inner self. They thought about what they like, their hobbies and favourite things and used it to complete the second half of their portrait. See if you can have a guess who is who!
Roller coaster Science
We have had lots of fun over the last 2 weeks investigating the science of roller coasters. We first investigated loop the loops by dropping a marble down a tube and seeing how many it could complete. Later we looked at which materials created the most friction by pulling blocks across different surfaces with a Newton-meter. We used this information to think about what materials would be best to make the brakes and wheels of the roller coaster from.
Holmbury St Mary
Our first residential trip! We spent the night at the YHA Youth Hostel at Holmbury St Mary and after a big breakfast set off on a very long hike through the Surrey Hills to Leith Hill.

Today we had our 2nd clarinet lesson with Mr Chalk. We have learnt how to carefully put on the reed and to join the first half together. We then had a go at trying to make a sound. It was tricky and a little squeaky at first but eventually we managed to get some good sounds!
Sharing a story with Squirrels
Today we had a lot of fun outside when Squirrel Class came to visit. We sat outside and listened to the younger children read and even asked them questions about their books!
New books!
This week we got a sneak peek at the new books that will be put in the library. We had a lot of fun looking at the new books, reading the blurbs and thinking about which books we would like to take out!
Moon crater creation
Today in science we tried to see how moon craters were made by using flour and marbles. We investigated by dropping the marbles from different heights and measuring the depths and diameters of the craters we’d made.
Our Trip to Winchester Science Centre
We had a great day out at Winchester Science Centre. First we got to look the exhibits. There were lots of fun hands on things to look at and explore. After that we saw the space exhibit and got to learn about gravity on different planets and how people control rovers on Mars. After lunch we visited the planetarium and saw constellations and visited different planets. We finished with a workshop. We made rockets and saw how a rocket engine works. We had a lot of fun!
Art Week
Have a look at our fantastic artwork from this week! First we created some abstract art using wax resist, ink with a pen and blowing ink with a straw. Then we used this to create a background for our bird faces. We added feather-like brush strokes to add more detail to the faces.
Merry Christmas Year 5!
This morning Fox Class had a go at playing jingle bells on the boomwhackers! Have a listen to us play in the video. Merry Christmas!
Leaf area
This morning Fox Class practised finding the area of irregular shapes by estimating the area of leaves. We collected leaves from the playground of different shapes and sizes and drew round them in our books. We then used the squares in our books to estimate the area. First by counting the whole squares and then by putting together the half squares.
Perimeter problem
Today Fox Class were set the challenge of creating a star shape with the perimeter of 20m. We went outside with chalk and metre sticks to create our shapes and made some very different pointed stars all with a perimeter of 20m.
COP 26
We had a great day on Wednesday learning about ways that we could reduce waste and help our planet. We took part in lots of activities outside and thought carefully about what we could do individually to help make a difference. In class, we created great pages all about the problems the environment has and what we can do to fix it.
Alchemy Island
This week we have received some mysterious letters from the chief alchemist of Alchemy Island. On Thursday, he sent us some samples from the island and asked us to investigate them and see what part of the island they were from. We tested them to see if they were magnetic, if they conducted electricity and if they were transparent. Fox Class were really good at investigating and deducing what part of the island the samples were from.
Egyptian Tomb
This week we were set the challenge of creating a tomb and getting a pharaoh ready for the afterlife. We were split into teams and had to work together to create a sarcophagus, canopic jars and amulets that the pharaoh might need. We then took them to the tomb and described what we had made and how it would help the pharaoh.