World Book Day

Woodpeckers had a great day exploring books for World Book Day. We got some new books for our book corner and found out that Miss Dore was the ostrich in the Masked Reader. We then had a lovely session sharing our books with Year 5.

Feel the Force

Can you feel the force? Woodpecker Class have been looking at forces in science this week and using force meters to measure the force needed to do everyday task such as opening a door, tucking a chair in or unzipping a pencil case. We then combined our new skills with our previous knowledge of friction to complete an experiment to measure the frictional forces of different surfaces.

Measuring Madness

This week we have started our new maths topic of measuring. The children were challenged to find objects around school which were exactly 1 metre.

Surprise!... It's Art Week

This week we have joined the rest of the school in studying the painting Surprise by Henri Rousseau. In Woodpeckers we have focused on the weather in the picture and tried to recreate it using a variety of methods. We have had great fun doing this. In English we have also looked at the poem Tyger Tyger by William Blake. We are looking forward sharing our art with others at our gallery.

Plaistow meets Plaistow

Woodpecker Class were really excited to be able to (virtually) meet our friends from Plaistow Primary School in London yesterday. Badger Class also joined to observe. The aim of our meeting was to share and compare our schools and local areas. After sharing our presentations with each other there was a lovely opportunity for the children to ask each other questions.

The differences were fascinating for all the children - there were lots of envious sighs in our Year 3 classroom when we heard that they could have McDonald's delivered! Similarly, the Plaistow children were amazed by the fact that we only had one shop and lots of woodland surrounding our school.

It was a lovely opportunity to collaborate with Plaistow Primary School  and to build upon the link that we started with them last year, and we hope to be able to run more of these activities throughout the school during the year.

Bell Beaker Pots

As part of our topic into the Bronze Age, we have been looking at the Bell Beaker People and their traditions. Pottery was a huge part of their culture and had a very distinctive style. We designed our pots last week and this week we have had a go at making them using clay. All the pot look great and I cannot wait to see them when they have been painted.


As part of our science and D&T we made ratatouille this week. We were given a list of ingredients and a recipe. We need to chop all the vegetables up and then mix them with chopped tomatoes and herbs. We had to measure the red wine vinegar and oil carefully, before adding it into our dishes.

Buddy Reading

This week Years 2&3 have joined forces for reading. Everyone found a buddy and shared their books with each other. Miss Hall and Miss Dore were impressed by everyone’s reading skills and enthusiasm for sharing books.

Woodpecker's Campout

After sports day, we held our Year 3 camp out. Everyone was excited to be spending the night in a tent! All the Woodpeckers had fun playing, helping around camp and learning about bats. Our bat walk was one of the best yet!There were so many bats! We also had a look at Venus and ate lots of cake. Thank you to everyone who helped with the tents.

A brilliant day at Butser Ancient Farm

Today Woodpecker Class visited Buster Ancient Farm to explore more about the Iron Age. We had a fantastic time digging for artefacts like archaeologists, exploring round houses, building fences by weaving sticks, spinning wool and carving chalk using flint tools. We packed so much into one day and have learnt so many new facts!

Plaistow and Kirdford Henges

This week we have been researching Stonehenge in English. We then looked at other henges, such as Woodhenge, and identified what makes a henge. We designed our own henges in our topic books, thinking about how we could use natural materials. This afternoon we went outside, collected all the things we needed and built them.

Enjoying the sun!

We have had a busy first week back in Woodpecker class. We have launched into our new topic, Tribal Tales, and have started looking at the Stone Age.

As the sun has been out this week, we have completed several of our lessons outside.

Year 3 Football

On Friday 24th March, a football team from Year 3 took part in a football tournament at Tanbridge House School. They were up against some strong competition, especially as we were the smallest school there. The team came out fighting in the group stages and won their first match 4-0. At the end of the group stage we were second. Next came the playoffs. We were up against a good team but our players kept their heads up and kept on attacking, which led to a great goal in the closing minutes of the game.

Overall the team came 4th out of 10 teams.

I was so impressed with their skills, teamwork and determination. Well done to all the players, I am very proud of you.

Mapping Plaistow

This week we have been focusing on Plaistow and all the lovely things you can do in the village. We then had a go at creating our own maps of Plaistow.