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I Have Cities, But no Houses. I Have Mountains, But no Trees. I Have Water, But no Fish. What Am I?

MAPS! In geography this week, we got the maps out and used our skills to read the key to spot bridges, castles, towers and tunnels on them. Some of the maps were bigger than the Hedgehogs!

Our focus this week was bridges and we explored all sorts of bridges all over the world. Hedgehogs were fascinated at how long and big they were. We even ended up watching how bridges are made. They loved the water boat cranes and found them amazing. When using the maps, Year Two were brilliant at pointing out different landmarks (some children even got side tracked and found Fishers Farm!) and were able to highlight where a bridge was in our local area. They then added their own bridges to maps, sorted bridges in science and even designed their own.

Miss Hall has set Hedgehogs a mission to find a bridge on the weekend… Will they succeed?