We made 3D shapes today. We told Miss Dore what shapes we were going to make and some facts about them.
Handa's Surprise
This week we have been looking at Handa’s Surprise. We have used our senses to help describe different fruit.
Can you guess the Squirrels?
We planted cress. It has grown really quickly. We can see the roots growing through the cotton wool. They look like a little forest in a cup!
We have hair!
Shadow Fun
This afternoon we went outside and drew round our shadows. We talked about how the sun cannot go through solid objects and so we get shadows. We went back outside later on and noticed are shadows had moved. We discussed how the earth moves round the sun and we get night and day.
We made grass heads. We put seeds and soil in the socks. Then we had to tie the bottom of the sock. Next we made noses and stuck on eyes and mouths. We can't wait for their hair to grow!
Yesterday we got a letter from the Queen. The handwriting was very posh! The Queen needed some help because the Naughty Bus broke in to Buckingham Palace and made a mess. We wrote a newspaper report about the Naughty Bus.
We went on Forest School this morning. We made fairy and dinosaur houses. We had pancakes. Mrs Morris had a secret ingredient but we don't know what it is!
Today we measured the whole playground using meter sticks and trundle wheels. The longest part of the playground was 66 meters.
Today we finished the story of Jack and the Beanstalk. We acted the story out. It was great fun. In maths we measured everyone in our class. Mrs Curtis is the tallest.
Today at forest school we collected sticks and leaves in little bags. We then made some pictures with them. In the afternoon we wrote about our pictures in our forest school diary. (Written by Year 1)