Working hard on our writing
Squirrels class have been working hard this week to improve their handwriting, and in particular mastering the correct formation of the letter b. Several children have achieved success and are feeling very proud of themselves. The letters b and d can be easily confused with each other and the children are paying attention to how they form them, in an effort to spell words correctly. The image below is courtesy of Twinkl.
As part of our topic work, the children have been learning some facts about the planets in our solar system. It amazes me how much knowledge they bring in from home! Lots of them are very enthusiastic and when we did a quiz yesterday, they were very confident in matching the clues to the names of the planets.
We had a go at creating solar sytem mobiles and the children will be bringing these home today. It involved trying to match the colours to images of the planets, careful cutting out, threading string and trying to tie knots. Lots of skills to practice and it was great to see how they were supporting each other to measure and cut the string. They are beginning to appreciate the rewards of team work and collaboration. Well done Squirrels!