Personal and Social Development led by miss gordon
All classes have a regular circle time. Through games and activities, appropriate to the age group of the children, the emphasis is on improving emotional literacy and health, moral and social responsibility, increased self-esteem and empathy and improved behaviour and relationship skills.
The school seeks to develop pupil responsibility in a number of ways. We have a very active school council where two representatives from each class are nominated to attend regular meetings to ensure our pupil voice is heard. Class and school council meetings are a means for children to raise issues and concerns and provide a structured forum for discussion and decision-making. Pupils lead the meetings and conventional committee procedures are used. The school council meets regularly.
Sex and Relationship Education is taught as part of Personal Social and Health Education throughout the school. It is the policy of the school to inform parents about certain sessions at the end of Key Stage Two and to share with parents the materials that will be used. Parents have the right to withdraw their children from sex education, except those elements taught as part of National Curriculum Science. Any parent wishing to do this should contact the Headteacher.